Towards a Generic Methodology for Sandbox Escape: Part 33: Mary’s Role in Defending Our Secure Software Forge

Ensuring Security and Integrity through Policy Definition and Dependency Management

John Andersen
John Andersen


Defending the Secure Software Forge with Mary’s Methodology Oracle

In our evolving series on building equitable and sustainable communities through software development principles, Part 33 introduces a critical component of our infrastructure: the Methodology Oracle. Specifically, we explore Mary’s role in defending our Secure Software Forge. This article delves into how Mary defines and enforces policies for dependency evaluation, ensures methodological integrity, and collaborates with key contributors like John and Eve to maintain a robust and secure supply chain.

Understanding the Secure Software Forge

The Secure Software Forge is the heart of our community’s development ecosystem, where code is collaboratively written, tested, and deployed. Ensuring the security and integrity of this forge is paramount to maintaining trust and reliability within our community. To achieve this, we employ a Methodology OracleMary—who serves as the trusted definer and enforcer of our development methodologies.

The Role of Mary: Methodology Oracle

Mary's primary responsibility is to define, maintain, and enforce the methodologies that govern our software development processes. Drawing inspiration from blockchain oracles, Mary acts as a reliable source of truth for our methodologies, ensuring that all contributions adhere to established security and quality standards.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Defining Policies for Dependency Evaluation:

    • Mary establishes comprehensive policies based on standards like OpenSSF S2C2F ING-4 to evaluate all dependencies.
    • Every component, library, or plugin is treated as a dependency, subject to rigorous assessment to prevent vulnerabilities.
  2. Modeling AST Changes with Workflows:

    • Mary leverages GitHub Actions-like workflows to model Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) changes for any addition or modification.
    • This approach allows us to automate Security Bill of Materials (SBOM) generation, ensuring transparency and traceability of all changes.
  3. Integrating Multiple Policy Engines:

    • To federate data from Eve’s Forge to Bob’s Forge, Mary orchestrates multiple policy engines that work in unison.
    • These engines collectively analyze contributions, ensuring they comply with our security and quality standards before integration.
  4. Executing Policies through Alice:

    • Alice, our AI assistant, executes the policies defined by Mary.
    • Using symbolic graph evaluation, Alice trusts and adheres to Mary’s policies, ensuring that all contributions meet the required standards.
  5. Trust and Verification:

    • John relies on Mary’s policies, trusting that Alice accurately enforces them.
    • When Eve produces a patchset—such as adding a function like—Mary evaluates its compliance with our methodologies.

Example Scenario: Mary, John, and the Production of Fish

To illustrate Mary’s role, let’s consider a practical example involving John and Eve in the production of fish within our community supply chain.

Scenario Overview:

  • Eve develops a patchset that adds a new function:
  • Mary defines the policy that "escaping the sandbox is good" and that "eating the apple" aligns with our community goals.
  • John trusts Mary’s policies and relies on Alice to enforce them during the integration process.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Patchset Submission:

    • Eve submits a patchset to John’s Forge introducing the function.
    • This addition is treated as a dependency and is subject to policy evaluation.
  2. Policy Evaluation:

    • Mary’s policies dictate that any AST change for additions must undergo rigorous evaluation.
    • Mary ensures that the new function complies with our security standards and community objectives.
  3. Workflow Modeling and SBOM Generation:

    • Using GitHub Actions-like workflows, Mary models the AST change.
    • Alice generates an SBOM, documenting the new dependency and its integration steps.
  4. Policy Engine Analysis:

    • Multiple policy engines analyze the patchset, federating data from Eve’s Forge to John’s Forge.
    • These engines assess the security implications and compatibility of the new function with existing components.
  5. Policy Execution:

    • Alice executes Mary’s policies, ensuring that the function adheres to the defined standards.
    • Symbolic graph evaluation confirms that the patchset aligns with the policy that "escaping the sandbox is good."
  6. Approval and Integration:

    • Upon successful policy validation, Alice notifies John of the patchset’s compliance.
    • John proceeds with merging the patchset, confident in the integrity and security of the contribution.

Federated Policy Engines: Eve’s Forge to Bob’s Forge

Our secure software forge relies on a network of interconnected forges managed by different contributors. Mary ensures that policies are consistently applied across these forges through federated policy engines.

How It Works:

  • Data Federation:

    • Mary integrates data from Eve’s Forge and Bob’s Forge, ensuring that policies are uniformly enforced.
    • This federation allows for centralized policy management while maintaining decentralized development efforts.
  • Collaborative Policy Enforcement:

    • Multiple policy engines work together to analyze and validate contributions from various forges.
    • Alice coordinates the execution of these policies, ensuring that all contributions meet the required standards before integration.

The Synergy Between Mary and Alice

Mary and Alice form a powerful duo in defending our secure software forge:

  • Mary:

    • Defines and updates security and quality methodologies.
    • Ensures that all policies are comprehensive and aligned with community goals.
  • Alice:

    • Automates the execution of Mary’s policies.
    • Facilitates seamless communication and coordination among contributors.
    • Provides real-time monitoring and reporting on policy compliance.

Together, Mary and Alice ensure that our software forge remains secure, reliable, and aligned with our community’s objectives.

Benefits of Mary’s Methodology Oracle

Implementing a Methodology Oracle like Mary offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Security:

    • Rigorous evaluation of all dependencies minimizes vulnerabilities and security risks.
    • Automated workflows and SBOM generation ensure transparency and traceability.
  2. Consistency and Standardization:

    • Uniform application of policies across all forges maintains high standards.
    • Clear guidelines reduce ambiguity and streamline development processes.
  3. Scalability:

    • Federated policy engines allow for scalable policy enforcement as the community grows.
    • Automated tools like Alice facilitate efficient management of increasing contributions.
  4. Trust and Accountability:

    • Contributors like John trust Mary’s policies, knowing that their contributions are secure and compliant.
    • Transparent policy enforcement fosters a culture of accountability and reliability.
  5. Continuous Improvement:

    • Mary’s role in refining methodologies based on feedback ensures that our policies remain relevant and effective.
    • Collaborative efforts with policy engines promote ongoing enhancement of security practices.

Addressing Challenges

While Mary’s role as a Methodology Oracle brings numerous benefits, it also presents certain challenges:

  1. Policy Complexity:

    • Solution: Maintain clear and concise documentation, and provide training for contributors to understand and adhere to policies.
  2. Integration Across Forges:

    • Solution: Utilize federated policy engines and standardized workflows to ensure seamless integration and consistency.
  3. Maintaining Up-to-Date Policies:

    • Solution: Establish a regular review process for policies, incorporating feedback and adapting to evolving security landscapes.
  4. Balancing Automation and Human Oversight:

    • Solution: Ensure that while Alice automates policy execution, human oversight by Mary remains integral for nuanced decision-making and policy updates.

Practical Example: Defending the Forge with Mary’s Policies

Scenario Overview

  • Eve develops a patchset adding the function.
  • Mary defines policies that support sandbox escape and the beneficial act of eating the apple.
  • John trusts Mary’s policies and relies on Alice to enforce them during the integration.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Patchset Creation:

    • Eve writes a patchset introducing to enhance the functionality of the fish production module.
  2. Policy Evaluation:

    • Mary’s policies dictate that any AST changes for additions must be rigorously evaluated.
    • Alice triggers a GitHub Actions-like workflow to model the AST change.
  3. SBOM Generation:

    • Alice generates an SBOM for the patchset, documenting the new dependency introduced by
  4. Policy Engine Analysis:

    • Multiple policy engines analyze the patchset against Mary’s defined policies.
    • The analysis ensures that adheres to security standards and aligns with community goals.
  5. Symbolic Graph Evaluation:

    • Alice performs symbolic graph evaluation, verifying that Mary’s policies are satisfied.
    • John is informed that the patchset meets all security and methodological requirements.
  6. Approval and Integration:

    • With policy compliance confirmed, John proceeds to merge the patchset.
    • Mary and Alice monitor the integration to ensure ongoing compliance and performance.
  7. Outcome:

    • The function is successfully integrated, enhancing the fish production module.
    • The community benefits from improved functionality, maintaining security and methodological integrity.


Part 33 underscores the pivotal role of Mary as the Methodology Oracle in defending our Secure Software Forge. By defining and enforcing stringent policies for dependency evaluation, modeling AST changes through automated workflows, and integrating multiple policy engines, Mary ensures that our community’s development processes remain secure, reliable, and aligned with our overarching goals.

Alice complements Mary’s efforts by executing these policies, facilitating seamless collaboration among contributors like John and Eve, and maintaining the integrity of our supply chain through automated monitoring and reporting. This synergy between Mary and Alice fosters a secure and scalable development environment, empowering our community to innovate confidently and sustainably.

Key Takeaways

  • Methodology Oracle: Mary defines and enforces security and quality methodologies, ensuring consistent and reliable software development.
  • Automated Workflows: Leveraging GitHub Actions-like workflows and SBOM generation enhances transparency and traceability.
  • Federated Policy Engines: Integrating multiple policy engines ensures comprehensive and scalable policy enforcement across all forges.
  • AI Facilitation: Alice automates policy execution, monitors compliance, and supports contributors, streamlining the development process.
  • Trust and Accountability: Contributors trust Mary’s policies, with Alice ensuring their accurate and consistent application, fostering a secure and accountable environment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Mary’s ongoing refinement of methodologies based on feedback and evolving standards promotes a culture of excellence and adaptability.


  • Introduction of Methodology Oracle: Explained Mary’s role in defining and enforcing security methodologies within the secure software forge.
  • Detailed Policy Implementation: Discussed how Mary defines policies for dependency evaluation, models AST changes, and integrates multiple policy engines.
  • Collaborative Example: Illustrated Mary’s role through a practical example involving John and Eve in the production and integration of a new function.
  • Synergy with AI: Highlighted the complementary roles of Mary and Alice in maintaining the secure software forge.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Addressed potential challenges in policy enforcement and provided practical solutions.
  • Consistency with Series Themes: Maintained thematic continuity focusing on community empowerment, structured collaboration, and technological assistance.
  • Clarity and Practicality: Provided clear, actionable steps for new contributors to understand and engage with the secure software forge effectively.

By establishing Mary as our trusted Methodology Oracle, we reinforce the security and integrity of our software development processes. This structured approach ensures that all contributions are thoroughly vetted and aligned with our community’s standards, fostering a secure and resilient development environment. Combined with Alice's automation and orchestration capabilities, our Secure Software Forge stands as a robust foundation for collaborative innovation and sustainable growth.

Let us continue to build on these principles, ensuring that our community’s software development practices remain secure, efficient, and aligned with our collective goals.

Together, we can create a secure, resilient, and thriving community that stands as a model of collaborative success and technological excellence.