Towards a Generic Methodology for Sandbox Escape: Part 17: Governance and Contribution

Aligning Software Development with Policies and Community Guidelines

John Andersen
John Andersen


Governance and Contribution: Aligning Software Development with Policies and Community Guidelines

In our ongoing efforts to build a sustainable and inclusive Loaves and Fishes initiative, we've established a roadmap that focuses on defining policies, ensuring quality, and fostering mentorship. Now, we turn our attention to how these policies tie back to our software development practices, contributing guidelines, and governance structures. This article explores how we can align our technical contributions with our strategic objectives and community values.

The Importance of Software in Our Initiative

Software is the backbone that enables our operations, from managing supply chains to facilitating communication among participants. Ensuring that our software development aligns with our policies and governance structures is crucial for:

  • Transparency: Making our processes and code open and accessible.
  • Collaboration: Encouraging community participation in software development.
  • Quality and Reliability: Maintaining high standards in our technical solutions.
  • Governance Compliance: Ensuring that development practices adhere to our policies.

Aligning Software Development with Policies

Incorporating Policies into Software Design

Our Policy Engine YAML serves as a central repository of our strategic plans and guiding principles. Integrating these policies into our software development ensures that our applications and systems operate in accordance with our values.

Policy-Driven Development

  • Automated Enforcement: Implement checks within our codebase that enforce policies defined in the Policy Engine YAML.
  • Configuration Management: Use the YAML file to configure application behaviors dynamically.
  • Documentation: Generate user-facing documentation from the policies to keep interfaces and messages consistent.

Example: Access Control

    - name: volunteer
        - read_tasks
        - submit_work
    - name: coordinator
        - read_tasks
        - submit_work
        - approve_work
        - manage_users

In our software:

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC by reading role definitions from the Policy Engine YAML.
  • Dynamic Permissions: Adjust permissions without changing code by updating the YAML file.

Ensuring Compliance through Code Reviews and Testing

Code Reviews

  • Policy Compliance Checks: During code reviews, ensure that changes align with our policies.
  • Review Templates: Use standardized templates that include policy compliance as a review criterion.
  • Community Participation: Encourage community members to participate in code reviews, fostering transparency and shared responsibility.


  • Automated Tests: Write tests that verify policy compliance, such as enforcing data protection rules.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Integrate tests into our CI pipeline to catch issues early.

Establishing Contributing Guidelines

Purpose of Contributing Guidelines

Contributing guidelines provide a clear framework for how community members can contribute to our software projects. They ensure that contributions are consistent, high-quality, and align with our policies and values.

Key Components of the Guidelines

Code of Conduct

  • Respect and Inclusivity: Outline expectations for respectful communication and collaboration.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Provide clear processes for reporting and addressing misconduct.

Contribution Process

  • How to Submit Contributions: Step-by-step instructions on forking repositories, making changes, and submitting pull requests.
  • Coding Standards: Define coding styles, formatting rules, and best practices.
  • Commit Messages: Guidelines for writing clear and informative commit messages.

Issue Tracking

  • Reporting Bugs: Instructions on how to report bugs, including necessary information.
  • Feature Requests: Process for suggesting new features or enhancements.

Review and Approval

  • Review Criteria: Explain how contributions are evaluated, including policy compliance.
  • Response Times: Set expectations for how quickly contributors will receive feedback.

Example: Contributing Guidelines Excerpt

# Contributing to Loaves and Fishes Software Projects

## Code of Conduct

We are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community. Please read our [Code of Conduct](link_to_code_of_conduct) before contributing.

## How to Contribute

1. **Fork the Repository**: Click the 'Fork' button at the top of the repository page.
2. **Create a Branch**: Use a descriptive name, such as `feature/add-new-api`.
3. **Make Changes**: Ensure your code follows our coding standards.
4. **Commit Changes**: Write clear commit messages referencing any related issues.
5. **Submit a Pull Request**: Provide a detailed description of your changes.

## Coding Standards

- **Language**: We use Python 3.8+. Type hints are encouraged.
- **Style Guide**: Follow PEP 8 guidelines.
- **Testing**: Include unit tests for new features.

## Communication

For questions or discussions, please join our [community forum](link_to_forum) or reach out on [Slack](link_to_slack).

Governance Structures in Software Development

Transparent Decision-Making

Our governance structures ensure that decisions about software development are made transparently and democratically.

DAO Governance for Software Projects

  • Proposal System: Contributors can submit proposals for significant changes or new projects.
  • Voting Mechanisms: Use DAO voting processes to approve proposals, with each member's vote weighted equally or based on contribution.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Maintainers: Trusted community members who have write access to repositories and oversee development.
  • Contributors: Anyone who submits code, documentation, or other improvements.
  • Governance Committees: Groups formed to focus on specific areas, such as security or user experience.

Integration with Alice and the DAO

Alice's Role

  • Automated Governance Assistance: Alice can help manage governance processes by:

    • Notifying members of proposals and upcoming votes.
    • Collecting Votes: Facilitating voting through user interfaces.
    • Enforcing Decisions: Automatically applying approved changes.

DAO Integration

  • Smart Contracts: Implement governance rules through smart contracts that execute decisions automatically.
  • Transparency: All governance activities are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring an immutable audit trail.

Enhancing Quality Through Governance and Guidelines

Linking Quality Review Systems to Governance

Our quality review systems, as outlined in the previous article, are reinforced by governance structures and contributing guidelines.

Mandatory Reviews

  • Enforcement: Policies require that all code changes pass through the quality review system.
  • Accountability: Governance structures hold maintainers responsible for ensuring compliance.

Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback Loops: Use insights from code reviews and testing to update policies and guidelines.
  • Community Input: Encourage contributors to propose changes to improve quality processes.

Mentorship Programs in Software Development

Round-Robin Mentorship

  • Pair Programming: Encourage experienced developers to pair with newcomers.
  • Skill Development: Focus mentorship on building specific skills, such as test-driven development or security best practices.

Tracking Progress

  • Learning Objectives: Set clear goals for mentorship periods.
  • Evaluation: Assess progress through code contributions and peer feedback.

Practical Example: Alice and Bob Contributing to the Software

Alice's Contribution

  • Proposal Submission: Alice identifies a need for a new feature in the mobile app and submits a proposal via the DAO.
  • Community Review: The proposal is discussed, and Alice incorporates feedback.
  • Approval: The DAO votes to approve the proposal.
  • Implementation: Alice develops the feature following the contributing guidelines.
  • Code Review: Bob reviews Alice's code, checking for policy compliance and quality.
  • Merge and Deployment: Upon approval, the code is merged and deployed.

Bob's Learning Experience

  • Mentorship: Alice mentors Bob on best practices in mobile app development.
  • Skill Acquisition: Bob learns about the integration of the Policy Engine YAML in the app.
  • Contribution: Bob submits improvements to the documentation, following the guidelines.
  • Feedback: Alice reviews Bob's contribution, providing constructive feedback.
  • Growth: Bob enhances his skills and becomes more involved in the project.

Moving Forward: Encouraging Participation and Ownership

Open Invitation to the Community

We invite all interested individuals to contribute to our software projects, regardless of experience level. By participating, you become part of a community dedicated to making a positive impact.

Continuous Updates and Communication

  • Regular Meetings: Hold virtual meetings to discuss progress and upcoming tasks.
  • Transparent Roadmaps: Keep the community informed about future plans and priorities.

Recognition and Rewards

  • Acknowledgment: Recognize contributors in release notes, newsletters, and community forums.
  • Incentives: Explore ways to reward active contributors, such as tokens within the DAO.


Aligning our software development practices with our policies and governance structures is essential for the success and integrity of the Loaves and Fishes initiative. By establishing clear contributing guidelines and integrating governance into our technical workflows, we ensure that our software reflects our collective values and strategic objectives.

Through transparent decision-making, inclusive participation, and a commitment to quality, we create a robust and resilient technical foundation. This foundation empowers us to deliver solutions that effectively support our mission to feed and house the world.


  • Integration of Policies and Software: Demonstrated how policies inform software development practices.
  • Contributing Guidelines: Provided a framework for community contributions.
  • Governance Structures: Explained how governance mechanisms guide decision-making in software projects.
  • Quality Assurance: Linked quality review systems to governance and contributing practices.
  • Mentorship: Highlighted the role of mentorship in developing contributor skills.
  • Practical Examples: Used Alice and Bob to illustrate concepts in action.
  • Community Engagement: Emphasized the importance of participation and ownership.

By fostering a collaborative and transparent environment, we harness the collective expertise and passion of our community. Together, we continue to build not just software, but a movement that embodies our shared commitment to creating a better world.

Let us move forward with confidence, knowing that every line of code, every review, and every contribution brings us one step closer to realizing our vision.