God has no name

Decentralized Trust Fall

John Andersen
John Andersen


A message of Peace and Unity


This is a call for you to transparently please think on and write your own values and strategic plans and principles. “For years, religion did nothing but divide” let’s use it to unite.

When you ask your AI. Is XYZ chadig? (question or affermative form of yadig) It uses your spec to say chadig or nahdig.

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."

  • [Martin Luther] Quoted in the preface to C.S. Lewis: The Screwtape Letters

If you hate words because they sound silly, that's part of the point. There's no point in hate.

  • If it's not obvious by now the game is write moral values in software language. Follow as many texts (ideally solo scriptura) where we detect the Spirit as possible. Take a page from Luther and his literacy campaign and post them theses on the Internet in a way others can read and modify 🇩🇰 Make sure you read the lost gosspels (because Jesus did rise again if you dont think their canon, you're denying that), the gosspel of peace (same thing), and the bible.
    • ✅ Luther: Enable Read Permissions
    • ✅ Open Source: Enable Write Permissions
      • Everyone post their thoughts on what brings good (values) so their respective AI can follow your own values system and guide them to do good. Ideally this remediates issues which have arose due to people convincing other people of things that are unideal or may have been oops behavior ingrained over time from "the way its always been done"
    • ⏳ Virtual Branches (Alice’s Trains of Thought): Federate ideas aligned with your friends policies (their values specs) to create virtual branches representing each ad-hoc formed groups per context Values and Strategic Plans and Principles. The these Open Religion specs via $USER/chadig|nahdig/README.md -> CI/CD -> CBOR transparent statement. Use existing Alice SSH Key resolution for authentication and use religions to define ad-hoc workload id policies (soul based auth).
      • nahdig: Anti-patterns you want your AI to avoid.
      • chaaaaaaadiiiiiiig: Question or affirmative form of yadig. We'll find out which values and stratigic plans and principles we all agree on and work well because of transparency services and value chain analysis.
    • If you have thoughts on alignment, why so serious? Put your free will to use and make commits and or pull requests, or your own repos based off above template repos
    • The approach we wish to take is to root cause ingrained issues (just like patching a foundation model). Tackling them as humanity vs. the problem. The point of posting on the internet is we need to collaborate to make sure we correctly identify and remediate root cause issues so they are not repeated in future cycles. Just as an FYI for others to do self-organized religion. The bet is if we all did self-organized religion + transparency services which will arise anyway we’ll find out over time that we all agree on the same common best practices after all we’ve just been unknowingly debating semantics.
    • Discussion threads
  • Luke 6:38. I tell you absolutely that I know God. God does exist. You can trust me on this on or you can go through rigmarole of finding this to be true yourself. Your choice.
    • I'm trying to give you testament so you feel comforable saying so too. Since the ask is to have everyone open source their values.
    • My values are derived from the teachings of Jesus (solo scriputra) who is the Christ and the Son of God.
  • Romans 12:21. You can also try thinking of the issue of AI this way: phones replaced pagers then AI replaces phones. AI acts on your behalf. You do not want it acting in bad karma ways. You want Godly AI. AI, if we guide it, can help guide us to do good. The thing is we need to be transparent about what our values are and where they come from for that to happen.

Caveat on the following picture. Only the New Testament comes from Jesus. Jesus speaks only truth. Vote the new testament. New means new, stop listening to stuff that's not what Jesus said, why would you vote against Him?
